
Kaijian Luo

Kaijian Luo

 Discipline:	Preventive Veterinary Medicine
E-Mail:	kjluo@scau.edu.cn
Address:	College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, 510642
Additional Information:	Department of Preventive Medicine 


Kaijian Luo,Male,Born in Guangxi province, Ph.D. in Agriculture, Associate Professor. He received associate professor position at South China Agricultural University in 2004 and received his Ph.D Degree in 2005 at South China Agricultural University. During 2015 to 2016, He was a visiting scholar at Mississippi State University, MS, USA. 

Kaijian Luo has been doing his research in avian diseases for more than twenty years. His research is currently focusing on preventive and control technology of  avian influenza viruses. He has developed and commercialized several avian influenza viruse vaccines and granted First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of China and First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of GuangDong Province for his contribution. 

Education and Training Program: 

    July, 2015- July, 2016: Visiting scholar, Department of Basic science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, MS, USA

September,2001-June,2005: Received Ph.D. degree, Preventive Veterinary Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China

September,1996-June, 1999: Received Master degree, Preventive Veterinary Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China

September,1989-June, 1994: Received Bachelor degree, Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China

Working Experience:

Dates of ServiceEmployerLocationTitleDuties

July 2015--

July 2016College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State UniversityMS, USAVisiting Scholarresearch

Dec. 2004--

-presentCollege of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural UniversityGuangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China,Associate ProfessorTeach and


Dec. 1999--

2004College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural UniversityGuangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China,LecturerTeach and


July 1994--

Dec. 1999College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural UniversityGuangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China,Assistant

ProfessorTeach and


Research Interests:

Focusing on preventive and control technology of avian influenza viruses ; New infectious diseases of waterfowl.


Study and demonstrate the preventive and control technology of Avian Campylobacter jejuni, Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China(201303044), RMB 800,000.

National key research and development program(2017YFD0500804) new technology research on the immunization and prevention of important diseases of waterfowl“, RMB 520,000.


1. Ferguson L, Luo K, Olivier AK, Cunningham FL, Blackmon S, Hanson-Dorr K, Sun H, Baroch J, Lutman MW, Quade B, Epperson W, Webby R, DeLiberto TJ, Wan XF.  Influenza D Virus Infection in Feral Swine Populations, United States.  Emerg Infect Dis. 2018 Jun;24(6):1020-1028.

2. Luo K, Zhang K, Liu L, Shen X, Jiao P, Song Y, Lv J, Wang M, Liu Y, Qi W, Ren T, Irwin DM, Liao M, Shen Y. The genetic and phylogenetic analysis of a highly pathogenic influenza A H5N6 virus from a heron, southern China, 2013.  Infect Genet Evol. 2018 Apr;59:72-74.

3. Jiao P, Yuan R, Song Y, Wei L, Ren T, Liao M, Luo K. Full genome sequence of a recombinant H5N1 influenza virus from a condor in southern China. J Virol. 2012 Jul;86(14):7722-3.

4. Jiao P, Song Y, Yuan R, Wei L, Cao L, Luo K, Liao M.Complete genomic sequence of an H5N1 influenza virus from a parrot in southern China. J Virol. 2012 Aug;86(16):8894-5

5. Wan XF, Ren T, Luo KJ, Liao M, Zhang GH, Chen JD, Cao WS, Li Y, Jin NY, Xu D, Xin CA. Genetic characterization of H5N1 avian influenza viruses isolated in southern China during the 2003-04 avian influenza outbreaks. Arch Virol. 2005 Jun;150(6):1257-66. 

6.ZHANG Kai, GAO Rui-juan, HUANG Wu, HUANG Yong-xing, LU Jia-min, LUO Kai-jian. Cultivation of a cell-adapted H5N2 subtype avian influenza virus strain and its immunogenicity  analysis. Chinese Veterinary Science.2-20-2014.  

7.GAO Rui-juan, ZHANG Kai , LU Jia-min, HUANG Yong-xing, LUO Kai-jian. Duplex  Real-time PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Campylobacter Jejuni and Salmonella. Progress in veterinary medicine. 10-20-2014. 

8.YE He-jia, LI Min, LIANG Zhao-ping, QIU Wei-hong, LUO Kai-jian.Development and Immune Efficacy of H1N1 Subtype Swine Influenza Vaccine.Progress in veterinary medicine. 3-20-2013

9.HUANG Wu, RAO Lei, ZHANG Kai, GAO Rui-juan, LUO Kai-jian. Isolation and  Identification of Campylobacter jejuni from Avian and Preliminary Study on its Pathogenicity.China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine.5-20-2013.

10.RAO Lei, HUANG Wu, HUANG Yong-xing, GAO Rui-juan, LUO Kai-jian. Screening of Lactobacillus with Highly Antagonistic Activity gaint Campylobacter. China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine.6-20-2013.

11.Wang Xin, Liang Zhaoping,Ye Hejia,Qiu Weihong, Li Min,Luo Kaijian. Development of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus M41 Vaccine. China Animal Health Inspection. 7-20-2013.

12.QIU Weihong,YE Hejia,LI Min,WANG Xin,LIANG Zhaoping,LUO Kaijian. Immune Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of H9N2 Avian Influenza(Strain SS)Inactivated Vaccine Prepared by Different Oil Adjuvants. China Poultry. 7-20-2013.

13.SUN Zhao-jin,CHEN Bing-qi,WANG Ling,YE He-jia,TONG Ju-yun,LUO Kai-jian. Effect of various types of newborn bovine sera on culture  in vitro of BHK-21 cells.Chinese  Journal of  Biological  Science, 7-18-2012.

14.HU Zi-li, LIU Hai-ling, ZHANG Guang-ming, ZHANG Kai, GAO Rui--juan, LUO Kai-jian. Prokaryotic Expression and  Identification  of VP3  Gene of Goose Parvovirus  SS/10  Strain.Progress in veterinary medicine. 5-20-2012.

15.LIU  Hai-ling, HU Zi-li, LUO Kai-jian. Biological  Characteristic  and  Sequence  Analysis  of  A  Strain  H9N2  Subtype  Avian  Influenza  Virus. China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine. 9-20-2012.  

16.HU Zi-li,LIU Hai-ling,HUANG Wu,RAO Lei,LUO Kai-jian.Isolation,identification and Biological Characteristics of a Goose Parvovirus Strain SS /10.China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine. 8-20-2012. 

17.QIU Weihong,YE Hejia, LI Min, LIANG Zhaoping, WANG Xin,  LUO Kaijian. Detected and Analyzed the Immunized Antibodies of Pigeon typeⅠParamyxovirdae Inactivated Vaccine. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 7-22-2012.

18.YE Hejia, QIU Weihong,LI Min, LIANG Zhaoping, WANG Xin,  LUO Kaijian. Development and Study on the Immune Efficacy of Newcastle Disease Vaccine for Pigeon. China Poultry.8-20-2012.

19.LI Fang, WANG Ze-xiong, QI Wen-bao, LIU Hai-ling, HU Zi-li , LUO Kai-jian. Comparison  of  Purification  of  Rabbit  Anti—H9N2  Subtype  Avian  Influenza  Virus  Serum  by  Three  Methods. China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine. 10-20-2011.

20.QIAO Li-wang, JIAO Pei-rong, ZHANG Dong-xia, LI Fang , HU Zi-li, LIU Hai-ling, XIN Chao-an,  LIAO Ming, LUO Kai-jian. Pathogenicity of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in  Pigeons. Progress in veterinary medicine. 10-20-2011.

21.ZHENG Xu-can , JIAO Pei-rong , SHAN Fen , WEI Yan-mei , QIAO Li-w ang , LI Fang ,

WEI Liang-meng , XIN Chao-an , REN T ao , LIAO Ming , LUO Kai-jian. Identification of H5N1 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus From Swan. Progress in veterinary medicine. 5-20-2010.

22.WEI Yan-mei ,CAO Zong-xi , LIAO Ming , ZHANG Gui-ho ng ,ZHENG Xu-can , SHAN Fen , LUO Kai-jian.Cloning and Sequencing of non-repeated VP1 and VP3 Genes of

Different Goose Parvovirus Strains.Progress in veterinary medicine. 8-20-2010. 

23.Xu Jun, DongShangzhi, Liao ming, Zhang Guihong, Wang Richu, Leng Heping, Lin Jianming,Luo Kaijian. H1 subtype swine influenza oil emulsion inactivated vaccine immune antibody changes dynamically in Large-scale pig farms. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine.1-22-2007.

24.ZHANG Li-jun , LUO Kai-jian. Advance in Attenuated Salmonella in the Application of Poultry Vaccine. Progress in veterinary medicine. 8-20-2007.

25.LUO Kai-jian , LIANG Zhao-ping , ZHAO Ming-qiu , LIAO Ming ,GUO Xiao-feng ,

REN Tao , ZHANG Gui-hong ,CAO Wei-sheng ,XIN Chao-an. Studies on the immunogenicity of avian influenza virus strain of A/Chicken/Guangdong/SS/94(H9N2)by paraffin section. Chinese Journal of Zoonoses. 3-30-2004.

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